1. Zero + luvmntrl (350Z)
2. amuse370
3. ncheung85
4. Wais
5. Triple's
6. Trip's Jr
7. Casper
8. Frost (maybe)
9. Phelan
10. Tannedman
12. Xdeslitx
13. Seungklee
14. Jamaica
15. KingZee
16. FairladyZ10PG
17. TheFlyest1
18. YellowStar
19. KB
20. Rebelman
21. SP00LN
22. Lastblueprint
23. Lazy
24. MUST (most likely)
25. 03Z33
26. Quartermaine
27. vangace
28. litespeed
29. DJ-of-E
Will be part of the caravan in the morning.