Originally Posted by HelluvaG
rick said that the wheels are manufactured in japan by a company called tenasia(however you spell it). he said 3 major manufacturers make wheels in japan according to him. work, which he dont deal with anymore,rays and tenasia. hes using tenasia for manufacturing. these wheels wont have the work name on it,since its not made by work. these are venaci wheels and rick is confident in the quality of the wheels made by tenasia. the wheels are 3piece forged. when it comes to the assembling of the wheels, his guy at his shop is an expert at putting wheels together. this guy has been working for rick for awhile.
The company is TAN-EI-SYA, you would never guess the spelling unless you saw it written down

They make high quality forged wheels so at least we know the centers of the Venaci wheels are of quality (if they really come from there). TAN-EI-SYA manufactures wheels for Neez Wheels, RAC Monolites, etc..
It sounds like a lot of these issues are stemming from inexperience with assembly/ordering at VIP-Status. Customers are reporting leaking wheels, mismatched offsets/widths, etc.. An "expert" would not repeatedly make mistakes like this