Thread: Venaci Wheels?
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Old 07-01-2011, 08:10 PM   #592 (permalink)
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hey billy i just spoke with rick today on my wheels. he sent mine out for powdercoating and should be done by next week. he also told me to tell you he got your wheels in and is preping them to ship to you. i guess hes going to be powdercoating them and assembling them maybe. give him a call and keep trying if he dont answer. he says they are at his shop.

sorry for late responses guys. i was away on vacation. just got back. i asked some of the questions that were asked on here. as far as tracking numbers, he told me that he uses our names as tracking numbers. i dont know if that makes any sense,but thats how he sets up the tracking numbers with our names. asked him too if the wheels are made in japan, rick said that the wheels are manufactured in japan by a company called tenasia(however you spell it). he said 3 major manufacturers make wheels in japan according to him. work, which he dont deal with anymore,rays and tenasia. hes using tenasia for manufacturing. these wheels wont have the work name on it,since its not made by work. these are venaci wheels and rick is confident in the quality of the wheels made by tenasia. the wheels are 3piece forged. when it comes to the assembling of the wheels, his guy at his shop is an expert at putting wheels together. this guy has been working for rick for awhile.

this is what rick has told me. it could be wrong and it could be argued. i know its hard to believe him after all that has happened. call and call like ive been doing. call and verify this info with him and the many other questions you may have. ill be heading over there fri july 8th to pick up my wheels. hope they are ready and to my liking. he has 2 numbers now at VIP STATUS- 310-327-7513 and 310-327-9938.
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