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Old 07-01-2011, 03:38 PM   #29 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by cossie1600 View Post
the 3.9% vs. 0% is less than 2000, you are always better off looking for the best deal.

economy might be down, but cars are still being purchased. you can definitiely find good deals on z, but you might have overvalued your car too, almost like a sports team overvalue their own players. with all that said, used car market are strong, you should still be able to get 22 or even 23k for it, 25k+ sounds like a prayer. just for hahas, carsdirect list a 2011 maxima new for 28k....
Just looked and the Base Maxima starts, at 31,750 all the way up to near 40K for a loaded SV Premium. Right now the base S is 28k and some change with the rebates they got going that expire in 5 days by Nissan, the used 09 Maximas I have seen are running near the same what a used equivalent used 09 Z is running around here.

I'm just curious Alabama why didn't you get the Z in the first place instead of the Max?
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