Being new to the paddle shifting community and not wanting to ruin the auto tranny, I asked the dealer some questions about it and I wanted you guy's thoughts on it.
When your in the 'manual' mode, is it primarily for the start, or can you jump into it mid drive on the highway?
The dealer told me that they dont reccomend shifting (up) until you get above the 3k rpm range... No comment on shifting down.
The reason I ask is based on what they said it was for the... 'When your behind someone slow and want to blow past them, you change lanes, drop a gear or two and blow past them..." I imagine that doing so would really put a strain on your engine initially? Or does it compensate for that so you can do so without having a lurch as soon as you get back into gear and push the pedal?
And lastly (and this confused me with manuals too) When driving, do you shift until there's no longer a strain on the engine to cruise, or do you go all the way to the highest gear and cruise there?
Sorry for all the noob questions, I didn't start learning to drive stick until this May. Primarily to be able to drive THIS car which I figured would only come in manual, but since they have an auto... it's more to my liking and I just don't wanna F*** it up driving home from the dealer lol.