Originally Posted by ImportConvert
I'm not a fan of wasting stuff either, but here is how it works for me.
I am hungry as ****, and just don't want to cook at that moment in time/am not home.
I go order a burger or something.
Every now and then, I don't finish it.
I am then full, immediate desire satisfied.
I look down at this greasy **** in my hand.
I understand that this is BAD, and will lead to CAD in the long run, and in the short term a reprimand from my trainer, and I should be ashamed of it.
I throw it away because I can't get the money back regardless of what I do, and it won't keep, and I feel guilt. I chunk it.
So no, not defending my throwing of the burger away, just explaining it.
/\ that's why you need to go on a bulk instead of trying to stay lean, then no burger will be safe!
(and you'll stop throwing away perfectly edible food dammnit
