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Old 06-29-2011, 04:12 PM   #45 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Methodical4u View Post
I saw a G35 sport yesterday... dark blue... very clean, very tastefully modded with chrome rims on it, but it overall just looked really nice. I've always liked the G35 sports... perhaps the OP could even consider a very low miled one? I would definitely do so... quick, not fast but quick, never driven one, but i'm sure they are nice to drive.. it's an Infinity, so likely the interior is better than either the Z or the Gen coupe (though again, i've never driven one so I don't know).
For its price range, I'd rather get the new BMW 1M as you get bits of better of everything, except the maintenance cost.

Unfortunately, like everyone said, my personality would more likely make me buy a Boss Mustang for the price...and I'm Asian. =P
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