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Old 06-29-2011, 12:46 PM   #67 (permalink)
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Lightspd is on a distinguished road

You only have so many ways you can work with a car it doesn't matter if it is NA or FI. Standard procedure set AFR then adjust timing. Slowly adjust to increasing cylinder pressure. Now 370's don't have a set timing number it is a number based on the amount of time it takes for the burncycle to take reach a desired degrees.Nissan table is a representation of the TIME that it takes for the cylinder pressure to reach peak pressure after the plug is fired to explain it better. So there is no global adjust. So we adjust burntime in the cells to see this change looking to get the table as linear as possible. After that is set and AFR is all you can do is try going more and less in each area.

Now to compare a 370 to a WRX or STI you can't. 2 degrees of timing in a Subaru and everyone will call you the SubbieWhisperer and thats just the beginning play with the AFR a little as they come from the factory set in the 10's and 9's and everyone will think you are a genious. Why are these cars set so rich and not tuned as close as the 370's. If you take a turbo car and drive it at WOT for a very long time you will grenade an engine. The engine just makes so much heat it is uncontrolled so the factory tunes them with what I call "moron setting" this is a setting that any moron can do what ever they want to the car and it will live. Put a tune in these cars and if you put someone who will not head the warnings you give them they will destroy it. I just had a friend blow up his car no matter what you say 260km/h sustained will break stuff. Now a NA car will still blow if you are a tool but not even close to as easily. So the factory uses a more optimized settings. Factories know how to build power but they also need to have this thing called warranty and that is why all our cars are somewhat detuned.

Cheers Cam

Originally Posted by Snakes709 View Post
Sorry, forgot to put in my post that the tune on the WRX's and STi's was just afr and timing increase, yes boost was turned up in the end, but there were quite abit of gains with just the same adjustments as a N/A motor.

I'm sure your right about the everything you said but iiunno, 5hp and 9hp gains? I got 6.3whp gain on my ZX6R when i got dyno tuned and its ALOT harder to get hp out of a bike then it is in a car.

Once again, not saying Cam did anything wrong, i know its a new car to him. Thats why i like going to someone that actually knows the car, i got screwed over on my Cobalt, got $1500 worth of free dyno tuning, but my tune was far from perfect because the guy never worked on Cobalts before.
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