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Old 12-24-2008, 06:29 PM   #8 (permalink)
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Temple is on a distinguished road

Or better yet... if this type of thread bothers you then DO NOT read it! This is a design problem and needs to be addressed. Period! It looks like crap and does not function correct.

Agree with you Educ8r. Great reply.

Originally Posted by sbsmoov View Post
Here's my advice for all the various complaints about the 370Z:

If the multi-function gauge really bothers you--don't buy the car.
If you think the headlights & tailights are ugly--don't buy the car.
If you dislike the prominent door handles--don't buy the car.
If you don't like the SyncroRev Match system (even though it can be disabled)--don't buy the car.
If you think this version of the VQ motor sounds harsh--don't buy the car.

But please, please stop complaining about every little thing that's not perfect as you see it. We're talking about a 30k car not a 50k+ car so don't expect perfection.
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