Ok, thousands of people. Between car shows, P. Rico racing teams, low riders, side riders, most speakers in car contest, bikini contests, bands, a dozen different drag classes, even motor cycle racing. The whole of Raceway Park mobed with people and cars. Every race, color & species was there. Everyone was friendly!
"The Heatbreaks" I was there, and a group of maybe 6/7 other Zs were there as well. Before my first run in bracket two, all the Zs were gone. I love to see Zs at the track, & love to see them kick azz. Not today. "My heartbreak". Shifting into 2nd. gear is almost gone. So crowded, they only had time for one practice run. I made up a time for a dial in of 13.25. The class was the biggest. Three lines of cars in that class. Something like 60 cars. Two racers were old timers (pros. known by the track). One had best off wins, all over his old station wagen, the other one had 174 wins. NOT car wins
Bracket racing/best of wins!!!! etc. 25 year old 4 dr. car, that's dialed in at 17.76 seconds & runs 17.76 seconds almost every time & the guy lives 15 min away, racing there for 30 years. You think he knows the lights
Anyway, slamming on brakes, almost using two hands to put into second, having reaction times like .018 followed by .000. Yes, .OOO! by-run for lowest R/T. that & more got me to the last few cars. Both pros red lighted, go figure
I'm about to run a Honda, that I was sure I was going to beat, when the trans made it very hard to get into second. I chase him down, only to lose by an inch or two. Pissed as hell, but what could I do? Lucky to get this far MY LAST RACE before getting new trans.!!!! Left track at 8 pm, just got home. Racing is fun, winning is more fun