Originally Posted by birdmanx1
Mike, I agree with your point about true DSLR taking better pictures over the NEX-5 (14MP worth mentioning); however, I disagree with the gimmick camera part. The point is the NEX-5 is a fantastic and fun camera for those amateurs not looking to do too much customization while taking pics and also looking for a REALLY fast and decent camera. As far as I am concerned, it is one of the fastest camera I've owned and the pics were very decent for most of the occasions. Now if we were talking about going further in depth and advanced tweaking then the DSLR takes precedence.
What purpose does Phelan intend to get from the camera. If he is looking for a camera that could be used professionally, the T2i or even T3i would largely suffice for starters. On the hand, if he is simply looking for a camera to capture fun events without all the extra tweaking abilities from a DSLR camera, then any high end Sony/Canon non DSLR would do the job.
I apologize
, I didn't mean to bash on your choices. I just think that at the price point of a NEX-5, you might as well go with a DSLR. If it were say at $300 and not $600-$700, then yes it would be a good choice, hands down over any other point & shoot. Unfortunately, I think its way overpriced. I'm not knocking its abilities. I'm 100% sure its a terrific camera....though if all you need it for is capturing fun and family events, there are far less expensive alternatives that can get the job done.
Also, if you ever want a new specialty lens, your limited to 5 or 6 choices with these type of cameras vs. the hundreds available for DSLR's.
Truthfully, a T2i or any other entry DSLR isn't any more difficult than the NEX-5. Once I learned what all the functions of my old d40, I actually found my point and shoot more difficult to use if I wanted manual control. People tend to get intimidated with DSLR's because it looks so complicated, its really not. Today's DSLR's are actually pretty easy and can function on full auto, so choosing a less capable camera for the same amount seems moot. You can't really learn how the f-stops work for example, if your camera doesn't make easy to change it manually. Would Phelan regret buying the NEX-5.....maybe, maybe not, but I doubt he would regret buying a DSLR.
Trust me, I know a thing or two about regret.....I should have gotten the Sports Package