Originally Posted by SvR370z
I can get the nano fusion. Why is this
Any better? what's the advantages of
It vs the other films?
The Nano Fusion film is the slickest most stain ressitant film out. The film is embedded withh the claer coat material throughout making it pracctically stain resistant... and much more resistant to scuffs and scratches. It also comes with a true lifetime warranty for both the film AND the labor. No other company out there stands behind their product like that. I have been installing it for about a year and love it. The only downside is they only make it up to 48" widths which keeps me from being able to wrap a lot of full hoods and full fenders. So I still use VentureShield Ultra for those jobs. I have been using VS Ultra for years and it has been a great film. But I would recommend the Nano Fusion over it any day of the week. Its just a better film.