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Old 06-22-2011, 10:26 AM   #20 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Brandon@VTR View Post
Here is my post from his other threads:
Here was my reply:


I appreciate you coming onto the boards and replying to the message. I'll address myself to each point you have made:

If you had read my post thoroughly I did mention that I made an appointment for Thursday without advising you of the stripped bolt. I did reschedule with you for Monday after you acknowledged that the bolt was stripped.

Second of all the stripped bolt had nothing to do with the prolonged time it took for the install. The mechanic used the same technique for each of the top bolts. In other words the stripped bolt was as hard as the non-stripped bolt.

How can you return a car with a CEL light and hesitation. Do me a favor and ask the mechanic who worked on my car if the CEL was on when he gave it to me. If he's honest he will tell you it was. There are hundreds of members who have installed GTM RTP's without any CEL because they have the extended bungs. I'm almost 100% positive that through all the banging of the top bolt caused the AF sensor in the headers to go bad.

On the ride home my car was hesitating and had the CEL on. I came home, pulled out my OBDII scanner and read the codes. This is when I found out about the code P1148. I did a quick search and found various members who had similar issues. It is highly recommended to remove the sensors prior to any installations, especially if you're banging the top bolt with a hammer.

I am now stuck with what most likely is a bad sensor. The sensors are around $150 ea. for the part alone. I would be more than happy for you to fix this issue but I'm worried about coming in and you working on my car. Having gone through such an experience I don't know how comfortable I am coming to your shop.

Yes Brandon, you did ask me if I wanted breakfast in the morning. I did eat already so I thankfully declined. It was when Vinny came out and asked the individual next to me for lunch and completely ignored me. He even made eye contact but didn't say anything. This is the least of my issues.

It was foul business ethics that disappointed me. We can go back and forth arguing. I was 100% honest with my post and I'm not hiding anything. Regarding your comment about only installing 1 side of the pipe: First of all it was not till the very end - near the 5 hour mark when the mechanic had finally removed only one of the top bolts. It was not like the mechanic had one side done and was just working on the other.

My point here is not to point fingers and say that it should have been a 1-2-3 install. I spoke to both mechanics while working on my car and they insisted that they don't do many installs on these newer cars. Nissan/Infiniti has changed the top bolt configuration making it slightly harder to remove. I believe your mechanic stated that they had last done an install on my type of car many months ago. There are many members here and friends of mine who had stripped top bolts on both sides and still managed to get them installed under two hours.

I did email you guys last night after pulling the codes. It is obvious that you have read my email to Vinny. It is 1pm and I have still not received any response and how your shop would like to follow through with my CEL and hesitation issue. Hence, why I posted it online. Instead of replying to this thread why not email me back with the steps you would like to take. I told you exactly what codes I'm having and I'm almost positive it's the sensors. You did receive my email about this matter and have not replied.

I hope you're not blaming my RTP's for causing the CEL. Shouldn't your shop be responsible for checking the car before handing me over the keys? How can you give back a car with a CEL and hesitation throughout all gears around 3k RPM? Research and various members have comfirmed that they experienced similar situations and it was caused by the damage of shock caused to the Air Fuel sensors or Oxgygen sensors. Again, if you had replied to my email and stated that you'll take a look at the car it would have been a different story. I'm still waiting on a response. Although as I said before, I'm cautious about your shop working on my car again.

I think I have handled this in a professional and mature matter. I brought up my issue to you and Vinny and I was disappointed with the outcome. This is a forum and I'm providing my feedback. Unfortunately, I didn't have a good experience and nothing has been done to recoup my losses.

- My 6 hour long day at VTR
- Car is Hesitating at 3k RPM
- Car is throwing CEL code P1148 (most likely a bad sensor due to the shock and impact of removing the bolts) $150 each sensor
- Car was on fire (Tore the rubber that covers the fuel lines... Should replace the rubber instead of bandaging it with heat tape?...)
- Upon leaving, I was expected to pay 3x the amount initially agreed upon.
- Poor customer experience

How am I suppose to be happy? Usually businesses suffer losses on their mistakes but it looks like I'm the one who lost here.

Yes, I was in your shop from 9am - 4pm which is actually 7 hours total. I had originally deducted an hour because of lunch.

Yes, you have finally offered to bring my car back in after all these threads. You even replied to the threads before emailing me back about the issue.

I'm a little hesitant about bringing my car back into your shop. As you mentioned in your email this situation is not like a product that was broken and could be returned or fixed. This was an install, more of a service contract. If you had a poor customer experience let alone the actually service was poor, would you hire that person or company to do it again?

This is my only car and it's currently not drivable in this state. We'll talk and see what we could work out.
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