I used to have a 350Z so my answers are probably a bit skewed as they are similar in design.
1. No problems, but I typically hold the drink in one hand and open it with the other.
2. Not truly aware of the edge. So I'll say no since I've not snagged myself on anything.
3. Rarely reach back there. The only thing I really keep there is an umbrella. when I do need something I'm typically already sitting so its not much of a reach. Only minor gripe is that since the seat is motorized if you need to lean the back forward it'll take a few seconds.
4. It is limited, but you get used to it. Mirror alignment is key.
If I may say, most of you're issues sound rather trivial. Doesn't sound like you've visited a dealership yet. Why not stop in for a few? Looks like you could answer your own questions without even taking a test drive. Not that I'm saying that cause you WANT to take the test drive.