Originally Posted by rackley
Yeah, ramp speeds are amusing, at least here in the US. There is a ramp here in Augusta that is "rated" 30mph coming off of I-520 (not really a speed limit per se I don't think), I routinely take it at about 80 with ease. Makes you wonder exactly how they came about with a 30mph calculation..
60 years ago when cars could only do 30mph.
and besides the government needs areas like that so that people will speed knowing that the speed limit is off and get tickets. they gotta make money some how right?
Originally Posted by rackley
Yeah, ramp speeds are amusing, at least here in the US. There is a ramp here in Augusta that is "rated" 30mph coming off of I-520 (not really a speed limit per se I don't think), I routinely take it at about 80 with ease. Makes you wonder exactly how they came about with a 30mph calculation..
i cant belive that f**ker. one day i was making a right turn out of a parking lot when a cop car on the opposite side of the road just flashes his light right in my face. i was gonna crash if i didnt put my hand up and block the light.