Originally Posted by ADmaster71690
Yeah we get a TON of salt on the roads in the winter (I'm in Michigan). My material science professor also told us the Great Lakes weather will increase the rate of rust as well. However winter driving with the Z is not going to happen with me.
Do the underbody treatments really work? Is there some kind of protectant I can spray on that will slow the rust down?
Thanks for the responses.
I honestly don't think that this is something you can do yourself. Well, you can do anything yourself, but this is something I think you can seriously f up if you don't do it right. I'm not exactly sure what the exact product is (RustCheck and DuraCheck come to mind right off the bat in terms of names, though), but is usually ranges from a natural bees wax product for you environment-sensitive folks to a chemical which is sprayed under the car and through holes that are drilled by the rustproofing company, fills in any crevices and cures into a gummy substance. The bees wax hardens and generally peels off during the summer, which requires a reapplication every winter (generally costs $100 or so if you know people) and as far as I know the latter gummy chemical is permanent or applied in 3-year intervals. I'm not entirely certain.
Oh, and make sure you stay away from rustproofing shops such as Metropolitan and Krown. Their technicians are generally teenagers and I don't know about you but I wouldn't want any teen anywhere near my car with a drill.
I know this stuff called POR-15, which you can buy at any AutoZone, Canadian Tire, Wal-Mart and apply yourself. But in all honesty, the chances of seriously f'ing up aren't worth the $100 you'll be saving.