Look guys, I've been in the peformance industry ten years. I know that oil temp does not directly effect horsepower measureably. The horsepower loss from oil temp in the 370 is a function of the ecu. Over the years there are plenty of cars that use oil temp readings to limit power outside of set limits. One example is my business partners m5 that lowers the revlimiter until the oil temp is warm enough or when too hot.
I don't really need you to believe me... But for you to argue it, you are using your own assumptions to debate proven facts that have been tested. I called uprev again yesterday about some stuff with my car and again verified with Rich there. Aside from him, I personally speak to most reputable VQ tuners on a regular basis for work, and have touched on the topic several times.
If you don't want to believe me, simply pick up your phone and call one of a dozen guys that know better.
If the 10-15 HP you're losing isnt worth a phone call to verify and small investment in better cooling, that's fine... If you don't want help from people who know, suit yourself.
Last edited by phunk; 06-17-2011 at 01:57 PM.