Originally Posted by davidyan
I just checked on the state website which says 88% is legal on the front. However, from what I hear people will let you go if its only at 70%. I did some research beforehand and noticed that there is a lot of confusion in CA as to whether its none, 88% or 70%. There are many documents floating on the net showing all three. I figured I was going to tint it anyway.
I work for a city PD and I VERY rarely cite anyone for window tint. They pretty much have to talk their way in to one. Anyway, you are certainly right about people being confused about the law in California, but the state vehicle code is the only resource that matters and the vehicle code states you may not affix any material at all to your front windows. It sucks, I know, and it really depends on the cop who stops you whether or not your tinting is "OK" or not. Based on my experience with people asking me to sign off the correction on their tint tickets, I find the CHP writes a lot of them.