Originally Posted by Junkman2008
It's more like that's where any quality microfiber towel is being made today, if not in the USA (to which I don't know of any). The only difference is that if they were made in the USA, they'd cost more.
Here's the deal Dad. You can keep using those cheap, made in China towels (if that's what you're using) and anyone who doesn't have a clue wouldn't blame you. Or, you can believe me when I say that the Korean made towels are of superior quality compared to the China made towels. You should know that I speak the truth from the many repair threads and videos that I have done. I have proven my knowledge level through both. There is also one other thing you can do. You can buy the towels from Adam's and feel them side by side with those cheap ones for yourself. Then YOU can be the judge. If what I say isn't true, send them back for 110% of your money back. That's right, Adam will pay you to unplug yourself from the Matrix. You don't have to take my word. If what I say is NOT true, repost in this thread and call me a bold faced lie. I will not criticize or respond negatively in any way. That's how confident I am.
There it is. Are you up for the challenge or do you want to take my word instead? 
This is great news! My WW towel is also made in Korea!!!

I guess my towels are superior as well!