Thanks guys!
Originally Posted by 2theextreme
Congrats on the award!
Going to the DUB Show again this year? I hate that I missed this weekend but I'm hoping to make the DUB Show again like last year. And maybe this year at the DUB Show if I decide to be an indoor participant they won't stick my car in the corner where nobody can see it. At least now I have air ride and will be able to bounce around like the other DUB cars. 
haha yeah I'll probably be up there again for the DUB show. I heard this year it's only a Saturday show. They did kind of put you in the corner upstairs last year.. I don't even think a lot of people realize there are other cars up there. Can't wait to check out the newest version of your Z man.
Originally Posted by birdmanx1
Just got back from OC, took us 4.5h as there was an accident on the Bay bridge. I stopped by before taking off but your car was alone outside while you were cooling off  Congrats on the win I'm not surprised a bit. 2theextreme, hopefully you make it out there next time 
Damn man, sorry I missed you. That's a crazy long ride back home.. we decided to stay there an extra night to avoid that mess.
Originally Posted by rarwz
All those pix, and you didn't even post any pix of our Zs?!
Some things are bigger in real life, it looks like the camera actually subtracted 10lb on those thangs.

I think I saw those same girls walking around like that on Sunday too..