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Old 06-15-2011, 04:22 PM   #8 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by FromG2Z View Post
Whoa whoa whoa buddy.... Take it easy there bro. I think you're way off base in your comments there, sir. Just because I opted NOT to get the navi option means I'm "cheap" and have "little or NO money"??????????

You serious?

If I choose to spend my money elsewhere on other things that I deem more valuable, maybe not even Z related, that means I am CHEAP and have NO MONEY? LOL. $3k is $3k is $3k.

Dude, you crack me up. I'll let you keep thinking that. Don't mind the fact that I paid for my Z up front.

What a moronic post.

Not only that, it's downright insulting to those people (not only on this forum) who really did NOT have the $$$ to spend to get the Nav option. Why would you even put them down like that?

Nor will it hurt it. If you buy a vehicle with the Nav option, you have already put it in the extra $$$ to get it in the first place, where as those folks who did not get the nav option, did not spend the extra $$$. That's what you call a "sunk" cost.

True, a nav equipped vehicle may be worth more at value than a non-nav equipped vehicle, but at initial purchase, the nav-equipped vehicle cost more in the first place. So your statement is null.

Sometimes, folks are so eager to post without thinking. Spend a little time thinking about what you post... it will put you in a better light and give you more credibility.
For the RECORD...I also paid cash for my car AND the $20,000 in upgrades. I dont agree with your thoughts on the Nav as MOST if not ALL finance or lease these cars and $3000 will make very little difference in the monthly payment.

I ALWAYS THINK FIRST and still think they are CHEAP!
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