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Old 06-14-2011, 01:34 PM   #1 (permalink)
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ath3ist is on a distinguished road
Default Really? Am i asking too much?

So i got my 2011 Coupe w/ Sport+Touring about a month ago. I also ordered and paid for with my car, the NISMO rear spoiler.

So first the dealer orders up the one you see in the accessories list online. I said, no I wanted the one that actually comes on the 370Z NISMO car. It’s a little larger, and that’s what I was paying for.

They agreed that for what I paid, I should be getting the larger true NISMO spoiler. So two weeks later they call and leave a message telling me that after much difficulty in figuring out how and what to order to get the correct spoiler in stock, they finally get it, but it’s only the top wing portion, it doesn’t have the parts that hold up the wing and connect it to the car.

All the while I have a 400 car cover on order (they already charged it to my CC) that has been waiting for 3 weeks to take dimensions on the cover, which I can’t give them until I get the damn spoiler installed. Meanwhile the dealer is now in limbo as to what to do. My take on the situation is simple – “Just pretend I had a wreck and you guys were ordering up a replacement spoiler to reattach to the car, paint it, and done.” Is it not that simple?? Am I missing something here? Why could a Nissan dealer/shop not be able to figure out how to order and install one of their own spoilers? A custom car shop could prolly have a surfboard installed on the rear deck in a weekend if that’s what I had asked for.

Any advice?
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