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Old 06-13-2011, 08:12 PM   #1 (permalink)
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jason6 is on a distinguished road
Default did you buy your Z because you really wanted a porsche 911?

just saying.... the z has been ripping off porsche since 2003

just look at the the body lines. i swear everytime i see a 350/370z i first think it's a 911

and don't say that porsche borrowed the styling from the z because we all know that's not true.

but tell me something......and be honest.....

how do you guys feel when you pull up next to a porsche 911 at a stop light?

now on a more positive note, the z is a great looking car by ALL means.
for the price of a new Z , you do get a TON of awesome useful features. sweet suspension, 330hp ..... i mean for the price nothing comes close to the z. and i mean nothing. it's a true sports car.

but at the end of the day i would much rather be seen in a 911 then a z.

just my opinion

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