Originally Posted by spearfish25
My guess is the dumb tech can't figure out how to get the already crushed old washer off the plug.
+1 I've seen this happen with the seal off a oil filter staying stuck to the block.
When I did my first oil change, there wasn't a crush washer on. I went and bought 5.
I went to the dealer this past weekend to order a lower hardline for the clutch,due to I stripped it when going to change over to my SS clutch line. It was defiantly over tighten from the MF. Never even got it off. Just left it as is until part comes in. Anyways, the guy has seen me there a couple of times and said I'll give you the hookup, $23 bucks. Well I had already had Courtsy Nissans website pulled up on my phone and showed him how it only cost $12. He reply's there shipping cost also. I said I know, but still cheaper. He said he would do it for $13. He had to feel dumb.
Guys, at least do your own changes. Buy the basic tools or find some friends.