Thank you for all the heads up. At this point I think things have gotten slightly better for my brakes but there is still something a bit wrong here.
I took the following steps to help resolve:
1. I broke down the front right caliper but noticed nothing out of the ordinary. All four pistons were able to be pushed in/out by hand without much binding - rules out any caliper siezure. I checked the wear even-ness and rotor for antyhing out of the ordinary but found symetry and evenly worn parts everywhere indicating no binding.
After doing this the problem was still apparent.
2. I bled the rear-left outside then inside followed by the front-right outside then inside calipers. I noticed no trace of airbubbles nor pedal feel changes.
After doing this the problem was still apparent.
3. I got real mad about this whole spiel and stomped on the brakes all the way to the floor with both feet about ~10 times while the car was running by stationary. The funny thing is, this seemed to partially do the trick!

its not 100% perfect as the car still drifts slightly left, but its about 75% better than before to the point where I dont get surprised then I press the pedal hard anymore.
Do I maybe have a collapsed or kink in one of the brake lines?
Any thoughts?