yea def heard, and somewhat saw a biker get hit. He was ok, but man that sucks.
On our way home sat night, there was an SUV that went off the road on 50, and rolled. The roof was a little shorter, and all the windows blown out. Everyone was ok, just some very shocked high school seniors.
Also on the way home, at one point I was in the right lane, and M45 was pacing me in the left. I thought it was funny as there was a is300 (from what i could see, tastefully done) and 1.8T VW (white w/ green 16" rims... my god is it ugly) behind him. A few exits later, the M turned for an exit at the last minute. I couldn't see the is driver, but the 1.8 was two young kids with the beiber haircut. Well these two idiots decide that they aren't going to let anyone pass, so they get infront of me, then they pace each other. I decided that they were idiots and going to create an accident so i stayed way the hell away. Car after car get up to them, tail, flash lights etc to try and pass. Nothing. One guy even tried to pass on a merge lane, but the 1.8 sped up to match the guy so he couldn't. You can only stand so much of that before baby godzilla needs to show whos boss. So I simply waited for them to get to a point where there was a car in the left lane (then the 1.8 would get behind the IS until they passed it), and got right on the IS's bumper. CCCCCCCCCOMBO BREAKER.

the VW was forced to get behind me, then i passed the IS at first chance, and it was clear sailing. I was very greatful that the jack asses didn't start messing with me after that. Not that I don't think I could put it in 5th and peace out, but people screwing around like that is how accidents happen. Glad everyone made it home in one piece!