Originally Posted by 2ndChance
In my country the 370z is a very exclusive car and rarely seen on the road, when I drive around sometimes people roll down their windows all excited and have this droll face, some even yell out "nice car man can I drive it". I also receive compliments from all my friends and co-workers. My parents thinks this is a ferrari or some exotic car, I guess they still don't understand.
Bad part is... there are a lot of haters, jealous kids with no respect for others, I've been hit with rocks twice, once with a half full soda can from the incoming lane, a long black marker pen line and a nasty spit in my wheels while I was in a public parking. And this is my first month of ownership.
I'll probably have to tint my windows and blackout everything, put some chrome 22" spinners to make people think the car belongs to some gangster or mafia member.
Wow that sucks man. I can't believe there are people out there who do this Crap.
Originally Posted by Red__Zed
damn, I always thought you were white.
I'm not very good with these things, as a spanish guy