Having driven a manual for years, it is taking me a bit to get used to the automatic in the 370z...for example, I'd toss it in neutral a lot on exit ramps and similar situations where I don't want the drag of the engine...yet)...or skip gears for different accelleration/decelleration curves. (hammer it 1-3, drop into 5th...or reverse of that for decel) - the thing that gets me is there is a very small window on the gas, where you have your foot off the gas and it's seriously dragging the car, and where you have your foot on it lightly, and it's coasting, and when you have your foot on it a bit more and it's maintaining or acellerating.
I'm also used to bumping the clutch to make the car/truck jump forward, but not continue with momentum - if that makes sense. I did that once with my Z as I was going up the drive way - and the car LAUNCHED and didn't back off as quickly as it should have...I had to jump on the brakes!
But, all that said, these are really just minor annoyances - on the street, in either automatic or manual-mode and using the stick...or automatic with paddles...or manual with paddles...it's fun in a very good way. If you leave it in automatic and use the paddles when you want the tranny a bit more responsive - it's really the best of both worlds...