July Road Rally
Date: July 18, 2009
Location: Basketball Hall of Fame to undisclosed location in Vermont or Mass or NY Area
With the success of our latest run, I felt another should be had sooner, rather then later. Was a great time, and the final section was by far the best piece of driving I have ever seen on these runs thus far.
I would like to open this up to a larger group, include more types of Performance Cars, and have a good time on some winding back roads, but...
Here are my concerns:
1. Not everyone had a Walkie-Talkie on this Run, so a larger group would be even harder to keep track of.
2. The last run was great in regard to the drivers staying in the spot they began in, not passing, etc. (We did have a bike with us this year and safety was paramount, the drivers did a great job ensuring this)
3. Larger group WILL attract attention, and possiblly the need to break everyone into groups for both "Safety" and "Attention" reasons.
4. If drivers are broken up into groups, who is going to lead?
5. ETC ETC ETC lol
I would like some feedback on the following please:
1. Route, someplace new or the usual route? (First Section will be removed for the obvious reasons lol)
2. Thoughts on the pace
3. I know 6:30AM was early, but do you feel would should have made it earlier since we did get stuck behind a lot of cars throughout the morning? I would leave before the sun rose if it ment a better overall rally.
Things to keep in mind, and to bring with you:
1. Safety First
2. Walkie Talkie *** REQUIRED ***(FRS Style) Route doesnt have cell service most times. Fairly cheap to purchase, split the cost with a friend. I could even arrange a Group Buy possibly.
5. STAY in your assigned Position/Group (More to come on this, we may make this a requirement)
6. Navigator to read out directions/turns
7. There will be no stoping and waiting, we will have set up locations to meet/catch up and refuel if needed
8. We will be stopping to grab lunch and take pics (Bring your cams!!!)
Those who have been on the Mtn Runs of past years know how much fun it is, but please ensure your car is well prepped to be a part of this event.
Car Focal Points:
Stock Brakes - They will take a beating. Make sure they are good to go
Tires - Please ensure they are in good condition to take a beating
Oil & Fluids - Please top off and get an Oil Change!
Looking forward to seeing everyone's input, ideas, and feedback to make this and all future Rallies most successful
1. OMEGA46 - 350Z
2. Firinn - 350Z
3. Keithman5000 - 350Z
4. hoyongchang - 370Z
5. knils - 350Z
6. trodis - Buick Skylark
7. Wardriver25 - 350z ( EVOX and 350Z)
8. Dez16 - C5 Z06
9. 04SilverZ35 - 350Z ( C5 convertible )
10.eckeryi - 350z
11. Chickflynbyu - Nismo 350z
12. CopperZ33 - 350z
13. 03Tour6Spd - rollin on 17's!!!
14. XprobegtX - 350Z
July Mountain Run - MY350Z.COM Forums
Hope to see some more 370's show.. My mistake for not posting over here sooner. There will be another Rally in August