The wheels were shipped back yesterday. I did write Forgestar an email with the new pictures, but I haven't heard anything from them (not that I expect one because it was more of a FYI email). It is a very frustrating situation because I would have never expected the wheels to be different colors. It's very strange. Oh well. It is time to move on as soon as I get my refund and start thinking about what wheels I will buy next.
Eibach Pro-Kit -- Window Tint (35%/20%) -- Alpine CDA-117 + Focal 165 KRX2 + JL Slash 300/2v2 + JL 12w6v2 + JL Slash 500/1v2 -- FI TDX Cat Back (18" resonators) + FI HFCs -- Venaci Mesh R:20"x11" F:20"x9.5" w/ Falken FK452