Originally Posted by Skorch
Are you still selling more? If so, I'd like to get one
sorry man... no more....

maybe after i straighten out all my other problems first then ill start selling these again... i just dont wanna commit and not be able to send em out on time and making sure everyone gets them....
Originally Posted by neolusions
Still haven't got mine yet.  Paypal'd on 5/17
hey bro... ill send you another one no problem... idk why you didnt get urs but ive been experiencing this problem recently? total of 5 people now... including yours send me a pm stating your address please double check it and then ill send one to you tomoro ok?

also sorry for the late replies guys my comp on home crashed... so i only get to use the one at my shop... but every time i arrive here its like a tornado that hits me from all angles and by the end of the day i just wanna go home and rest