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Old 06-05-2011, 01:48 AM   #40 (permalink)
z man
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The true question is, if you are looking for a good used car with over 100,000 miles on the odometer, which brand would you choose? A lot of people would most likely choose a Honda, Toyota or Nissan product first....and then the other brands would fall in line.

While Hyundai has a very good warranty, their problems may come later when people have to service the vehicle. I was quoted a cost of $800.00, for a 60,000 mile service by a hyundai dealership....and this was for an 06 Accent. When I questioned the cost, the dealership said....this includes the recommended timing belt change also.

My Acura or previous Hondas did not require timing belt changed until around the 100,000 mile range and it's service was around the same cost. I was blown away by the cost of this service. Hopefully, I was just being overpriced by this particular dealership, hopefully.

Oh by the way, I did not/have not had any problems with my Accent, which has only 52,000 miles on it.
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