Does it bother you that there are very minor imperfections in it? If it doesn't bother you, then leave it til there are more. If you think about it each time you look at the car and it bothers you, then I'd say do a polish.
I polished mine this spring. Nissan's paint kinda blows so I know I will need to do a very minor polish next spring to get it looking near perfect in my eyes again. However, to have most people think it still looks new, I'm sure I could wait a couple of years to polish it. But, I know I will because it will bother me if I don't touch it up in the spring with a mild polish.
So, the question is, does it bother you in its current state? If you are thinking you'd like to see your vehicle look perfect, then I'd say go ahead and polish it. I probably would b/c it is the new toy. If it doesn't bother you and you think it looks great already, save some of your clearcoat thickness for future polishes.