Thread: [For Sale] Fairlady Z taillights
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Old 06-02-2011, 12:30 PM   #1 (permalink)
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Default Fairlady Z taillights

Name: Justin
Price: $230

***UPDATE: Lights came in today. Right taillight is mint, but the left one has a scratch from a s14 grille that was pushed against it during shipping. Price was adjusted.***

Ok, here is the deal. I have a friend in Japan that picks up parts for me every few weeks and sends them to me. I was looking around and found these taillights for a decent price so I thought I would offer to help someone out that either busted a taillight or wanted spares in case they wanted to smoke/black out a pair. I don't even have a 370z so they serve me no purpose. The way this will work is if some one wants these I will have him pick them up this weekend. So, if you're interested let me know and then we can work something out. And no, I will not require anyone to pay up front because things happen. I'll buy them, but I will not attempt to collect payment until I have them in my hand.

I'm new so I know nobody trusts me but I can show proof that I'm a great seller from the many other forums I'm on, along with my ebay score. Here are a few pics I have of them...

If you have any questions please feel free to post or PM.

Last edited by Mr.Martin; 07-15-2011 at 07:22 PM. Reason: added pics
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