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Old 07-15-2009, 10:56 AM   #21 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by need4speed View Post
yes they did! They are marketing nismo oil and differential coolers.
Each one is $780 option. It "must" installed by the dealer to be covered
under warranty! I'm not sure on labor costs but i would expect around $345.
I know outside the dealership the coolers going for $480 at stillen now.
Bim sure its because now they have to compete with the part now being
Warranteed by nissan.
It just goes to show how much these tuner companies rape u when there's no
Well; don't worry about how much profit tuner companies make; I suspect we aren't far from the day when some bureaucrat will be dictating to every company how much "profit" is "fair" and appropriate.

Until big-brother steps in to save us all, if you really feel tuner companies are rapping you you certainly have the option of not giving them your patronage.
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