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Old 05-31-2011, 07:39 PM   #37 (permalink)
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Join Date: Mar 2010
Location: Seattle
Posts: 53
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eksigned is on a distinguished road

update for the meet: looks like we'll be expecting approximately ~30 individual cars. the lunch at sushi maru is now a for sure thumbs up. we'll be leaving once we have everyone up top at the initially gathering point. plan to meet at the top structure and leave within the next 30-45 minutes!

Sushi Maru:
205 105th Ave Ne
Bellevue, WA 98004
(it's right down the street, behind the new Safeway)

Edited cruise route: NE Redmond-Fall City Rd to 204th Pl NE - Google Maps

From B - cruise lead car
"So quick update. I scoped out the path from Ames lake yesterday and changed the path a bit to include a lil funner curves going up hill and also a rest area with a micky Ds and few restaurants parking lot.
We will stop at the Destination marked E.

Ames lake Rd to NE Novelty Rd

So, am not expecting anyone to go fast as well, although its much more funner taking the corners a bit faster. But at times there are traffic ahead to make the travel a lil so pace but nevertheless, it should be a good ride and take em at a reasonable pace, we dont want anyone making unexpected paychecks to the state now"
2010 G37S 6Sedan [4.083 FD||Fast Intentions||GT-Spec||HKS||Injen||Invidia||Osiris]
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