Originally Posted by Fern to the Z
wow, this isn't good. where was this thread a month ago. damn.
Originally Posted by Fern to the Z
Just found it and read it, F@CK man. It was started 2 weeks before i placed my order. Granted I haven't been waiting nearly as long as you guys, but now i'm worried 
Per his defense he didn't know about VIP Status issue until this thread but he coulda google search VIP Status and saw the past thread that got locked up.
Ill add you to the waiting list.
Originally Posted by VIP-STATUS
Well first of all, for the group of people that are waiting for wheels, most of these wheels are coming out from Japan. Many of the wheels that are done are already inbound from Japan. From my correspondences, the wheels should be due to arrive near the end of June.
Rick's correspondence said it'll be here in the end of June! GL to everyone whether you wait it out or file a dispute with paypal/cc company!