Hey guys - Ive been using this system to clean my car for ages... it works amazingly - all you need to do is spray the car down, soap it and then wipe w/ a micro fiber towel and then re-spray and then use the ionized water to do the whole spotless drying. Works really well and it comes in a nice package with the filter and the soap and the actual doodad which goes onto your hose - you can switch between rinse / soap and spot free using a switch on the device... they had this deal and i wanted to make sure ppl noticed how cheap it was lol...
Mr. Clean Auto-Dry Carwash System, Proctor & Gamble MCC0AA -2 Pack : MCC0AA - Buy.com
Its like 13 bucks for 2 you can usually find a "kit" at kragen for like 25 bucks... happy cleaning