What a day. Hope everybody had a great Memorial Day. As a former Marine that served during the first Gulf War I appreciate the sacrifice of my fellow veterans. So my day started off driving my Z to a family picnic with nephew as passanger. It is his 12th birthday. He loved the ride and the fact that he got to ride in my car. His step father drove his custom H3. Yes mine got more looks. LOL We ended up with about 20 people at the picnic. Unfortunatelly due to weather the local State park was infested with flies. Everybody said we had to leave there. Luckily I have a house with an acre of land. So everybody left there and came to my house. Had a great time, eventhough I don't have my pool or hot tub up and running yet. The kids loved the trampoline. Makes you appreciate family. And I appreciated the fact that when we where done all the kids went with thier parents, LOL peace and quiet again.