Hail Damage
I was stuck in a hail storm on Thursday night while on the highway. I was driving at least 95 mph to reach the nearest overpass while being pelted by 2" hail. I was able to get under cover before the 3+" hail started. When I got home I surveyed the car, but was hard to tell how damaged it was due to all of the rain on the car. The next morning in the sunlight, I found about 4 dents on the hood and one on the trunk. Also, there are dozens of surface scratches throughout the entire car where the hail bounced off.
I have a claim in with insurance, but last I heard, there were over 1300 claims filed with my insurance company, so it may take months to get it fixed. The dents should be easy to pop back out and I am hoping the scratches are just in the clear coat. I had 3 coats of wax on it, so maybe that helped something. Guess I will find out.
Good news is the dents and scratches are hard to see. I have to point them out to people, otherwise the probably wouldn't even notice them.
Crappy part is the car was only 3 weeks old.