Originally Posted by gatorfast
Not everyone mods there car for increased performance. Some people think the car suits their performance needs just fine from the factory but may want a sportier sound or different look. Everyone has different agendas. The great thing about a site like this is there are a multitude of people modding in different ways and each person can choose to follow the build thread that suits their interests 
I agree, actually. It's probably not entirely fair for me to paint everyone who doesn't make the numbers their top priority with such a broad brush. I guess what prompted my little 'outburst' is that over in the Berk thread, some folks are actually giving Mike a hard time for delaying releasing a sound clip because he had issues with getting a clean baseline. In other words, they're saying 'Skip getting clean numbers because I only care about sound'. And what that effectively amounts to is saying 'Screw the guys who care about numbers. Put my priorities first ahead of everyone elses'. Mike isn't trying to satisfy one camp over the other. His approach will meet the needs of both camps. So I'm just giving him props for standing firm and not caving to one side. Let me put it this way, if someone released a new exhaust and only posted dyno numbers and refused to release a sound clip on the grounds that numbers are the only thing that counts, I would find that equally lame. Both aspects are important, and I don't want to see one aspect prioritized to the exclusion of the other.