Originally Posted by FromG2Z
here's a thread from my350z.com full of TK knob pics:
The Tommy Kaira Hebi Bebi Shift Knob Thread
- MY350Z.COM Forums
at first i wasn't sure about the mushroom-ish shape of the knob, but after using it for 6 months, i'm sold sold sold. i've always been a fan of round knobs, and this knob feels like a round knob when gripped from the top.
but... the knob can also be gripped more like a cylinder (or nismo-shaped) knob if gripped from the side.
it's a great balance, and extra super heavy. and the TK turtle is sick. and it's made of brass. brass.
on another note, i would do evil things to get this knob (in black finish):
Tommykaira - Aluminium Shift Knob - Nengun Performance
evil, evil things.
*edit* i should note my knob has more of a matte finish like in this picture: