OK; fool me once, shame on me. I'll call Stillen and if they don't have a cure......shame on them.
More of an update.
After what I consider to be a very significant amount of effort, the exhaust system still makes a "clanging" noise. You hear it in normal driving just hitting soft bumps. Evidently the $20.00 new crush gaskets and the time spent being very careful installing Stillen Y-pipe... the exhaust still ain't working.
Don't let anyone BS you, it's not the real deal if it doesn't fit right. Think an old school term "racers net" (which means you need to make to work) applies. The car is only 4 months old...... a clanging exhaust is ghetto. What? I need to take a hammer and put a dent in it so it doesn't make a noise! No wonder they put them on sale. Congates.......got me. I bit on the sale price.
After taking a morning off; jacking up the car with again on jack stands, you try laying flat on your back in mid July Texas heat readjusting the exhaust and still hear a clanging noise .......tell me your happy about spending on over grand on what should be a slam dunk easy deal!
Didn't call Stillen today, but bet our *** I will tomorrow. What a pain in the butt!
Last edited by Denny McLain; 07-13-2009 at 09:53 PM.