Originally Posted by hansoac
another waxymaize fan..awesome.
another great slow acting protein for bed or long periods of time without food is Casein protein. Optimum Nutrition also makes some good Casein..it is just really thick!!
Yup Waxy Maize FTW, it's cheap, tastes amazing, and the fastest acting orally available carb so far.
You are bang on with Casein, it is a great protein to take before bed, I'm sure Optimum Nutrition is a good company, I'm just a sucker for True Protein because of the ability to customize every aspect of my order from Flavour, Flavouring Agent (Stevia, Aspartame, etc), enzymes, vitamins, and carbs that I want to add to the blend, as well as a nutritional breakdown of the blend I've chosen.
I feel like a chemist LOL.