Originally Posted by phelan
damn adam, detailed.
one thing i've never been clear on, any benefit to a pre-workout drink, or are there foods i should consider 20 mins before lifting / working out?
...now i want to start up p90 or something again....
Not everyone is in agreement for pre-workout because it really depends on what type of workout you're going to do.
When lifting heavy a lot of people like NO (Nitric Oxide) style supplements because of the massive pump and blood flow.
For long cardio sessions a lot of people like to use a thermogenic/stimulant like caffeine, yohimbine, or ephedrine.
For a P90x workout I would advice against the NO supplements because they are good for power and strength but they will gas you out quickly.
Before P90x your best best is to take a half cup of oatmeal, and 1 scoop of protein an hour before, and then a tablespoon of electrolytes and maybe a mild stimulant, or fat burner 15mins before.