can't decide if this is the right car for me
trying to decide between this and the RX-8 R3 but the only comparisons I can find are of power, I'm wondering about the gearboxes and the handling. The 350Z seems to be known as a Japanese muscle car (so I've heard) so I'm wondering if the 370z is still power first, and handling second? My friend has an s2k which is why I'm leaning more towards the RX-8, it has a similar feel, but I'm trying to figure out if the handling/gearbox in the 370z is really that far off from the RX-8 or is it a minor difference? I'm coming from RSX so even the 8 is an improvement in power. Everyone who owns an 8 seems to be extremely satisfied with the driving experience, and everyone who owns the Z seems to enjoy the power, but few people mention the handling/gearbox
And then there's other things such as maintenance..I heard it takes a good hour or 2 to change the coils/spark plugs in the Z whereas it's a 20 min job in the 8..same goes for the battery etc...and then there's the infamous Z insurance..
Since I'm asking this in the Z forums I guess I'm trying to give myself enough reasons to go with the Z instead of the 8. The Z looks like it has a good mix of Camaro and 8 (handling and power)
and yes, I did search..but only 2 or 3 posts came up that actually helped..and sorry if this is the wrong section, couldn't find a "competition" sub-forum
Last edited by abecus; 05-26-2011 at 01:03 PM.