So My Windshield Wipers Stopped Working Today
Very scary situation. I was on I-90 in Seattle, pouring rain, and my windshield wipers stop cold. My windshield almost immediately becomes soaked to the point where visibility is next to nothing, and I'm looking out my side window for a wide spot to pull over. After 5 minutes of frantically doing just about everything one can do with the wiper stalk, including hitting the washers in hopes that it might initiate the wipers back up, I found a wide enough stretch of shoulder where I wasn't at risk, and as I pulled over, my wipers fired back up. I tentatively drove to a nearby parking lot, checked for blown fuses, obvious shorts, etc, in the pouring rain, and finding none, took it to the dealership. I got the usual "could not replicate the situation" and they seem to be working fine again. Has this ever happened to anyone else?