First of all congratz on you're new Zed. Now second is you need to drain that garbage they put inside youre engine. I personally use Royall Purple 5w-30
i also have AAM oil pan spacer gives me +1 quart. Engine temp 190-220F at OAT about 60-85F does not really pass 220 maybe 225 thats it.
Also drain youre brake/clutch fluid and add motul brake fluid and change tranny and LSD fluids to redline around 2k 2.5k it will make youre car drive easier and perform better.
P.S.-get a K&N oil filter or Purolator pure 1 14610
Kids don't do Drugs, Drugs are bad, so let the professional druggies do Drugs for you. 537whp/496lb/tq@8-9PSI 93 octane
Last edited by DOOMMONKEY777; 05-25-2011 at 11:43 PM.