Thanks for the comments guys! I will try to answer all your questions.
Originally Posted by thispecialk
did u guys manage to take pictures i wanna see step by step
We did take lots of pics of the process and I will post them up later today with step by step instructions.
Originally Posted by tvfreakazoid
Nice! I was curious, is the hood more for looks or is it functional?
We designed more for function. The look is just a pleasant by product

Once the car was heated up to normal operating temp you could actually see the heat rising from the hood. As far as how much of a drop I would have to measure the under hood temp. Keep in mind the heat only rises when the car is at slow speeds or at a stop. In simple terms, once you reach a certain speed the airflow over the hood essentially seals of the vents. I was stuck in traffic for 2 hours in NY on the way back home and bay temps never went above 210F. Again I need to collect hard data.
Originally Posted by CBRich
This actually does look really nice. Not sure if you posted a DIY but what kind of mesh did you use?
To be honest with you IDK but I will find out.
Originally Posted by wstar
Looks nice. It looks a little inboard of the ideal, but it's close enough and you've got those ridges in the hood to work around (as well as the bracing on the underside), and any heat sucked out of the engine bay will ultimately help.
Yes the ridges presented a little bit of a problem. We designed it over the exhaust manifolds and have the outside edges flow with the ridges. As for the bracing, we cut straight through them so the engine bay is exposed. It wasn't hard but just required a little finesse.
Originally Posted by LSUTurboTiger
heres a dumb question, but what happens with water? when it rains I always have these two little piles of water that move up the hood towards the windshield. seems like it would just dump down in there.
Looks good, just not my taste, but well done.
There's no such thing as a dumb question

Everything in the engine compartment is sealed. No exposed wires or anything that might be affected by the water. I had the same mesh in my S2000 and I never had any problems for the 2 years that I had it.