Originally Posted by phunk
while i am liking where this is going, i wanted to share what idea i was originally thinking when i desired a duckbill style add-on.
imagine something very small and thin, sort of like the stock 350z wing... i am imagining an add-on that is around 1.5 - 2.0" in overall front to back length, maybe an inch or maybe even less in overall height at its tallest spot, and the left/right tips tapering down almost flat without curving forward at all.
so basically no wrap around at all, just a well blended extension that really never exceeds the factory wings boundaries except in the duckbill areas height and of course sticking back out a little more around the tall area.
now i have no idea if what i just typed really makes sense to other people, i am not the best at describing shapes LOL. but if it at all makes sense, i do wonder if it would work in terms of looks, and i bet it would be a very simple product to manufacture compared to a wrap around product that had many many factory lines to match up with rather than just one surface of contact.
anyhow i apologize for steering away from the topic at hand, just wanted to share if i make any sense at all.
I was thinking the same thing, just a small carbon add-on that runs along the edge of the stock wing. They make this exact part for the EVO x/rallart, I'll find the pic....